Monday, August 29, 2005

From Albert Mohler's Weblog

Check out this review on Pornified: How Pornography Is Transforming Our Lives, Our Relationships, and Our Families.

Put simply, porn is now considered cool. As Paul argues, "Pornography is wildly popular with teenage boys in a way that makes yesteryear's sneaked glimpses at Penthouse seem monastic. For teenagers, pornography is just another online activity; there is little barrier to entry and almost no sense of taboo. Instead pornography has become a natural rite and acceptable pastime."

Wow. We in the Church need to guard ourselves and our brothers - I don't think any of us, single or married, old our young, are invulnerable. I know I'm definitely susceptible. It's a shame that still, topics like this are awkward and remain un-discussed in the Church.

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