Saturday, May 26, 2007

Sometimes you just need to emote.

And who better to help than Paco De Lucia.

It's a humbling thing, listening to him, because all I ultimately can do is get caught up in the emotion of the music, because to be honest I find that the subtleties of his style are hard to track with.

[for simple instance, what's with the clapping? it's like the singers prearranged it totally at a tangent from the music just to mess with my head.]

If you don't like it, well then, Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. Thpppppt!


Suzana said...

I love Paco de Lucia! I have his two Antologias, definitely some good emoting music!
I think you should take up the flamenco guitar.
You could get aunty Rhoda to sing for you.

Skinniyah said...

Oh dear. Aunty Rhoda. I could see her doing the dance, but the singing? Hm... yeah, I guess that too. Maybe one day I'll be brave enough to attempt desecrating the artform.

shalom said...

Hey Jackass

Skinniyah said...

Shalom, thanks for enlightening my life with such insight.