Saturday, March 08, 2008

Worship and the Work of God

"I am of the opinion that we should not be concerned about working for God until we have learned the meaning and the delight of worshiping Him. A worshiper can work with eternal quality in his work."

"Christ saves us to make us worshipers and workers. But we evangelicals ignore the first altogether so that we are not producing worshipers in our day. Workers, yes, we're producing workers. Founders, yes, they're a dime a dozen. Promoters, producers artists, entertainers, religious DJs, we've got them by the thousands. Beat a bush and there will be two artists to hop out and a DJ." (Sermon to Youth for Christ, National Convention of YFC in Chicago, 1960)

"To try to get souls saved at the expense of the glory of God is to cheat God of His glory and not get souls saved anyhow. We just make proselytes who aren't Christians but something else." (Sermon, "Prayer," Chicago, 1956)

Tozer on Worship & Entertainment, Compiled by James L. Snyder

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