Friday, October 21, 2005

Taking informality to an arrogant extreme

I have nothing but love for Americans, but listening to the Albert Mohler program(a great segment on Biblical relationships by the way), a little tidbit he gave on american teenage informality cracked me up:

Apparently NorthWestern University's winning Lacrosse team was invited to the oval office, and some of the girls on the team wore flip flops!

Now Americans are said by people across the world to be arrogant and to disregard any kind of norms (a general opinion based on some truth) but it's funny to see this caricature find root in examples from reality.

I can just imagine - 'clickety click' (sound of said girl walking up in flip flops to the premier) "whassup, George".

It's like they're itching to provide an already provoked world with ammunition for mockery. In India we call flip flops "bathroom slippers".

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