Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Mel Gibson is nuts.

Some of This article by TIME magazine's (jewish) Joel Stein cracks me up.


Until Gibson told his arresting officers that "the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world," I didn't realize that was our thing. If it is, let's drop it. I would have thought that the guy who made Braveheart, The Patriot, Gallipoli and When We Were Soldiers and has directed some of the most violent, angry scenes in cinema would love war. But I guess he doesn't.

And most of all, we have to stop this finger wagging at Gibson. Endeavor agent Ari Emanuel has written that no studio should work with him anymore. Bad call. We don't want to get in a battle here. In a popularity contest between Mel Gibson and Jews, it doesn't look good for the Jews. Better we laugh this off, maybe respond with a gibe at the Australians, like how they make simplistic, overly fruit-forward red wines. Then we all have a chuckle and subtly suggest another dead language for him to teach himself for his next movie. We've got to give that guy as much busywork as possible.

At first I couldn't care less, but after some reading I honestly think the uproar over someone like Gibson's remarks is justified.

In all seriousness, I truly believe that whatever your political view of Israel, anti-semitism in any form cannot be tolerated. The history of the matter has forever settled that. Read through documents relating to the holocaust, and any living breathing human being should see why.
Nazi Experiments & Doctors


Anonymous said...

hi Skinniyah,
provided, of course, that Mel Gibson is being accurately represented. it's so easy to portray someone's words to mean the opposite of what they intended. or to provoke someone who is drunk to say something that they really don't mean. i wasn't there to hear what Mel Gibson said, so i can't make a judgment on his intentions - the motive of his heart. especially since "the media" (or whoever) has been traying to portray him as anti-Jewish since the Passion was being made.

Skinniyah said...

I trust the media. They research. Here's an example. How could you cast doubt on the integrity of
such reports?

Anonymous said...

i can't tell if you are joking or not. they do research, yes, however i don't consider that a valid reason to trust them because "they" (in general) have an agenda and are biased. but then again, maybe we all do to some extent. :)

Skinniyah said...

Lol. Follow the link in my previous comment, its funny. I will stop being confusing. Just having some fun.

I agree with your thoughts about the media, but don't really know if it applies in this context, because Gibson did do what he did, and whether he meant to or not, the point I was trying to make is that in the context of history, such things ARE to be taken seriously. Especially since he already is under scrutiny, accusations being true or not.

Lol. My little blog is non-controversial. Didn't expect to have to explain myself on this one.

Anonymous said...

i did follow your link, Joanna and i got a good laugh from that. :)

do you want me to refrain from controversy on your blog? i could do that...

i guess i don't really take Mel Gibson's comments that seriously because for one he's not a government leader, which i think would be quite a bit bigger of a concern. second because he made the comments while drunk regarding an officer arresting him. (is my understanding) i think it likely that had it been a Russian officer, he might have slandered the Russians instead.

i guess for me it comes to this - i don't know his real heart on the matter, and i certainly don't think that his involvement in the Passion movie is an indication of anti Jewishness. which could have been a factor in the "discussion" at the time of his arrest. we don't know whether the Jewish officer had any hard feelings towards Mel Gibson because of the Passion movie, which could have motivated him to provoke Mel Gibson. and a provoked drunken man who is being arrested could very well say anything.

Skinniyah said...

No, be my guest, stir up a hornets nest. On a good day there will only be like two and a half hornets in the nest, but that's beside the point.

OK, so the issue for me isn't really Mel Gibson but anti-semitism.

I guess this makes a good case for not getting drunk. I'll remember that next time I'm tempted to down a few.