Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Evolution of Language

This is interesting... to some. The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary just released its sixth edition.

Here are 10 of the new words, with their OED definitions:
1. Amp — To make (a person) very excited or energetic (as if) through the consumption of amphetamines or another stimulant. Frequently used with up

2. Beatboxing — The action or practice of imitating the sounds of an electronic drum machine with the voice.

3. Buzzkill — A person who, or thing which, dampens enthusiasm or enjoyment.

4. Chill Pill — An anti-depressant; anything intended to calm a person down (take a chill pill, calm down, relax).

5. Ghetto Fabulous — Pertaining to or favoring an ostentatious style of dress associated with the hip-hop subculture.

6. Monobrow — A pair of eyebrows that meet above the nose, giving the appearance of a single eyebrow; a person with such eyebrows, jocularly — a stupid person.

7. Pimpmobile — A large, flashy car, especially one used by a pimp.

8. Rockism — The theory that traditional rock music is a more authentic form of popular music than pop music.

9. Secret Sauce — A special feature or technique kept secret by an organization and regarded as being the chief factor in its success.

10. Splitsville — The termination of a relationship, especially a romantic one.
Welcome to the new world.


pilgrim said...

lol monobrow and secret sauce! thanks. however having said that, KFC had a tour of the kitchen offer in my city when I was there - er and there is no Colonel's special secret herb mixture at the outlet, in fact there are no herbs at all.... hmmm

ps found your blog on switchblade's.

Anonymous said...


Met some of your friends from Florida over the weekend--in Minneapolis. They told me a story about your car getting stolen by some dear old man with altzheimers. . .

When are you coming down?
